It has come to my attention that many readers believe that Lizzie & John’s story has ended. Oops. <Writer hangs head in shame for the confusion inflicted upon readers.> Let me clarify. Lizzie will be appearing in future stories—dragging John along behind. She’s barely learned what she is and what she can do. How could I leave her behind??? So many questions unanswered. So many adventures not yet had!
To that end…
First, I had planned a novella featuring Lizzie to be released after Witch’s Diary. But the story has gotten away from me and it’s become a novel. So look for the next Lizzie story to be book 5 in the series, releasing after Witch’s Diary (tentatively Summer 2015).
Second, there have been some (very good-natured) expressions of disappointment concerning Lizzie’s presumed departure from the series. So I drafted a **very early draft** description of book 5 to allay fears that she may not be coming back.
Finally, there *may* be a spin-off of Lost Library, in a slightly different format, in the works. I love my minor characters just like I do my leads. And this will give me an opportunity to pursue a few of their lives more fully. Maybe I’ll have a contest to see if you can guess the main characters. 😀 Keep your eyes peeled; more will be revealed!