There are some perks. Really =) If you haven’t already subscribed, now is a good time. Subscriber’s are about to receive a free short story! Or, if you’re opposed to newsletters and nonessential email in the inbox, you can skip down to the pretty picture. (Cover below!)
My newsletter subscribers receive periodic free shorts, available before official publication. I also offer a drawing for a $25 gift card each month. Why? Because it’s one way that I can thank readers for allowing me to stay in touch with them. Thank you, Readers 😀
March’s free short is “Moving,” the fourth Logan and Clara short story. While it’s not impossible that I’ll revisit Logan & Clara, the plan is for “Moving” to be their final short and to have them continue to appear in the novels. For those who adore Logan’s character, I have tentatively slated a prequel to the Lost Library series featuring Logan as the primary character. The prequel would take place immediately after the short story “Rage,” and is tentatively scheduled for publication in 2016.
Subscribers, look for the March newsletter for your Smashwords coupon code to redeem a free copy of “Moving.”
And, as always, happy reading! ~Kate