S.J. Tucker – maybe she’s your bud? I don’t know her. Never met her (that I know of – if I have, sorry! I’m really bad with people out of context). And I’m writing this post without her knowledge.
S.J. followed me on Twitter the other day. No clue why. Maybe she likes my books? Maybe she thought, “Fantasy, that’s cool. Never heard of this Kate chick, but why not?” Maybe I’m a part of her marketing plan, because there’s some subject matter crossover. Who knows?
My response:
*1st, “Cool – someone followed me!” <click on email> And, yes, I get that excited. I know, I’m a total dork, but I can’t help it. I don’t however automatically follow in return because Twitter isn’t really my world.
**2nd, “Cool – free music!” <click on website>
***Then, “Ooh, ahh,” as I’m impressed by cool pictures, costumes, and graphics. “Mythpunk? Really? That’s a thing and I don’t know about it – how can that be??? <click on music while wondering at my own ignorance>
****And, “Oooh. I can listen to this.” <listens to another song> “Oh, I like this!.” <listens to another song and another…>
*****Finally, <digs in sofa cushions and finds a dime, a penny, dog hair, and an old chip>
I don’t buy a lot of music. I have a tiny budget for stuff, even cool stuff like books and music. I live mostly off of a writer’s income, remember? = ) So I figured I’d spend a few minutes and share my experience in the hopes that maybe those of you with a slightly bigger budget might consider checking S.J. out. Her stuff is cool enough that I stopped what I was doing just to write this post 😀
And for some seasonal fun…
Thank you for sharing your music at no cost, S.J. I hope that generosity comes back tenfold or more.